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Montana leaders ramp up efforts to meet growing need for high-tech workforce
In 2015, Paul Gladen welcomed the inaugural class of students at the Montana Code School. Three years later, the Code School has graduated more than 100 students…
Bozeman’s Pocket NC Ships First Desktop CNC Milling Machines from $355,000 Kickstarter Campaign
Five months ago, a Bozeman-based couple launched what is probably the most successful Kickstarter campaign in Montana history. Their goal was to raise $70,000 to take their desktop computer-driven mill into production. In the first hour they surpassed that goal.
Alliance Promotes Montana Jobs to UM and MSU Computer Science Classes
Executive Director Christina Henderson was invited to promote Montana jobs and internships with Alliance member companies to more than 80 Computer Science majors - from Freshmen to Grad students - in three different classes.