First Interstate Bank Hosts 150+ Tech Leaders at Oct. 9 Member Reception in Missoula
Alliance members mingled on the sixth floor of First Interstate Bank's downtown Missoula building and enjoyed food from Market on Front. Tom Severson and his team at FIB provided a warm welcome at their beautiful building with stunning river views. Many members attended the Montana High Tech Jobs Summit preceding the reception. Photos by Ndigena. View the album on Facebook or on our website.
CONNECT: Members from across the state meet FCC Commissioner, Congressman Gianforte at reception

FCC Commissioner Mignon Clyburn, left, chats with Colleen Rudio, Interim General Manager of Access Montana (Cascadia Business Development), at the member reception. Members were also able to connect with Congressman and former Alliance Board Chair Greg Gianforte, who made an appearance at the beginning of the reception.
PROMOTE: ATG and Blackfoot give lightning talks about their growing companies

Tom Stergios, Senior Vice President, Strategy & Corporate Development, speaks about Advanced Technology Group's growth in Missoula. ATG has recently passed the 100-employee mark and looks to hit 250 by the end of 2018. Stergios added that the High Tech Jobs Summit and networking opportunities like the Alliance Member Reception are great for high tech and great for Missoula. “I'm really proud of my hometown and my home state,” Stergios said. Blackfoot CEO Jason Williams speaks to the crowd at First Interstate Bank about the company's growth since its founding in 1954. According to Williams, the firm is adding about 20 new positions each year. Read the profile about Williams and Blackfoot.
ACCELERATE: Job seekers from code school, business school connect with companies at reception

Liz Marchi, left, of Liz Marchi Consulting poses with University of Montana professor Jakki Mohr and students Kasidee Campbell and Allie Morstein. More than a dozen students attended the reception and networked with potential employers.